Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tues, Nov 29th 7-9pm at St Marks, UBC

The Season of Advent
A Season of Labour and Travail
Tuesday, November 29th, 2005
in The Music Room at
Saint Marks College, UBC
5935 Iona Drive
(From University Blvd, Turn Right onto Westbrook Mall.
Turn Left onto Iona Drive)
Fr Christopher will lead a discussion on the implications of
The Season of Advent in the Orthodox Tradition

For More Information Call: 604.309.6871

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross

Holy Cross at UBC
"The Cross is exalted, and everything true gathers together, the Cross is exalted, and the city makes solemn, and the people celebrate the feast". St Andrew of Crete
The Vision A dynamic Orthodox Christian community at the University of British Columbia established through the Chaplaincy Ministry offering students, faculty, staff and their families pastoral care and a community of faith, worship, love, fellowship, discipleship and accountability. “They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42
Fr Christopher Rigden-Briscall, a priest of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), is serving the Orthodox students and faculty of UBC as Chaplain. This ministry is intra-Orthodox and associated with the SCOBA sponsored Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF). Service times, study and fellowship groups, retreats, workshops and other events will posted on this site.
Questions and comments are welcomed. If you have a pastoral question or need please email Fr Christopher directly at
frchrisrb@shaw.ca . Thank you for your discretion.