Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Week & Paschal Services at St Nina's English Mission

There will be no services at the Holy Cross Chaplaincy at UBC during Holy Week. Services will resume after Bright Week. Please join us at the St Nina's Orthodox Mission. All services are in English.

Wednesday, April 4 7:00 pm-- Bridegroom Matins of Holy Thursday

Thursday, April 5 – 7:00 pm – Matins of Holy Friday
The “Passion Gospels” Service

Friday, April 6 – 7:00 pm – Matins of Holy Saturday
The Procession of the Shroud & “Lamentations”

Saturday, April 7 – 9:00 am – Liturgy of Holy Saturday

Saturday, April 7 – 11:30 pm – Nocturns, Matins and Paschal Liturgy
Followed by Blessing of Paschal baskets* and festal meal

(Please see Father Christopher to arrange your confession prior to Holy Saturday)

*It is customary to bring a Paschal Basket to the liturgy. Father will bless it after the service and then we will have a shared feast of items from the baskets any other dishes or treats that you care to bring. Baskets usually include a candle (to be lit when the baskets are blessed) and foods that you have been fasting from (Meats, cheeses, chocolates, wine, Easter eggs, and Paschal bread…all your favourite things to eat!).